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A Case for Organic Cotton

A Case for Organic Cotton

We can barely remember a time when we didn’t seek out the cleanest options possible in all areas of our lives — organic fruits and veggies, clean beauty products free of an ever-increasing number of potentially harmful ingredients, organic cotton clothing, the list goes on. When we looked at candles, though, the standards across most brands seemed stuck in a time gone by when factors like ingredient transparency and sustainable practices weren’t as prevalent. Case in point: we couldn’t find a candle brand that used organic cotton for their wicks, which we thought was a pretty big miss.

Field to Market data states that over four pounds of pesticides are used per acre of cotton in the United States. With 13 million acres planned for cotton production this season, that adds up to more than 50 million pounds of pesticides. 

Not only this, but glyphosate, an herbicide often used in cotton production, has been categorized by the World Health Organization as a “probable carcinogen.” Sure, candle wicks are tiny but the candle industry is huge. If all the brands out there switched to organic cotton, it would have a big effect. 

So, we set our sights squarely on organic cotton when it came time to source our wicks. It took months to find a manufacturer who would make one for us since it was almost unprecedented in the candle industry, but eventually, we landed on the wick that’s used in our candles today — one that’s crafted from 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton and is kinder to the planet so you can feel good about lighting up.