Spotlight On: Spring 1998
Graduation day, white flowers thrown into the air, heady sunshine leaking all over the ground, resurrection, the grit of NYC in the 90s, magazine pages, hope and endless possibility.
When it’s right, it’s right. Spring 1998 was the fragrance we finalized first, the easiest out of our core four scents to say “yes” to. In a year full of uncertainty with the ground constantly shifting underneath our feet, we wanted to bring to life something that conveyed hope, simplicity, and a whiff of nostalgia.
New York City in the late ‘90s was just the best. It was a decade of excess, glamour, late nights, fashion magazines, the OG supermodels, and a pre-Internet state of innocence that didn’t see the massive technological wave of change coming its way. It was a time when anything felt possible, a forever spring.
To capture all of that, our perfumers flooded this fragrance with an excess of heady, intoxicating, fresh florals like Magnolia, Freesia, and Neroli, and then added in a bit of grounded grit with a dose of Petitgrain’s woodsy, citrusy notes. To us, it’s the cleanest, most sophisticated and addictive white floral we’ve ever smelled. We burn it all over the house whenever we need a hit of prettiness and it’s especially good for having company over. We haven’t met a single person yet who didn’t love it unequivocally just as much as we do.