How To Clean Out Your Nette Vessel
You’ve got to know when to stop. And when it comes to burning our candles, that’s when there’s just ½ inch of wax left in the bottom of your vessel. Before you make some magic and repurpose your new gleamy glass as a vase, pencil pot, or cheese board accoutrement, it’s time to clean it out. Here are a few of our tried and true techniques.
Freeze Frame:
When things get cold, they shrink. It’s science! When it’s time, place your candle in the freezer for a few hours. The remaining wax will pop out way more easily.
Boiling Point:
Pour some boiling water into the candle, leaving about an inch of space at the top. The water will melt the wax and it will float to the top.
Soap and Water:
Once the wax is gone, be sure to clean out your vessel gently with warm water and soap.
Then, it’s time to let your imagination run wild. Stay tuned, we’ll be sharing a few of our favorite ways to give your Nette candles new life in the coming weeks.